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Recovering from a Snowy Week

As our school district worked to recover from the snowstorms last week, we all had a week of asynchronous learning, which reminded me a lot of how school was structured when we shut down last spring. During this asynchronous period, I continued work on my final product by first researching the topic of value-driven digital marketing and its relationship to Gen Z. I specifically looked into the general attitudes that Gen Z consumers have regarding the topics of cause marketing and a company’s corporate social responsibility. Conducting this research allowed me to create a list of questions for my Google Forms survey in which I wrote down 11 different survey questions to help me better understand what exactly my Gen Z peers look for in a brand and its marketing. I will be sending out this survey to students throughout this week. In addition to this research and survey, I also looked into the topic of influencer marketing and researched various marketing strategies that are effective in targeting Gen Z. All of this research will be of such great value to me as I begin to create my research paper and continue brainstorming various marketing ideas to include in my Kendra Scott marketing proposal. The research I have done so far has not only helped me in my final product, but it has also truly been a lot of fun as I am learning so much about the field of marketing.

(Image provided from Wix)

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